Thursday, 18 September 2014


Tapasya is practical spiritual discipline, which means the performance of austerities. Tapasya is a  means of purification, a burning or setting on fire so that a process of elimination is created, not in the physical body, but in the mental and emotional bodies. Through this process the mind, the emotions and the whole personality are cleansed of all the dirt, complexes and patterns of behavior that cause pain and suffering. Tapasya is an act of purification. It should not be misunderstood to involve standing naked in cold water or snow, or observing foolish and meaningless austerities. The generation of heat or energy, referring to spiritual practice and its effect, especially the “roasting” of karmic seeds, the “burning up” of karma. It also refers to the heat necessary for the hatching of an egg. Without tapasya there is no significant spiritual progress.

     When you want to eliminate a bad habit, the more you want to get rid of it, the more powerful it becomes. When you abandon it in the waking state, it appears in dreams, and when you stop those dreams, it expresses itself in your behavior or manifests in disease. This particular habit must be destroyed at its psychic root, not only at the conscious level. The samskara and vasana must be eliminated by some form of tapasya.

     Tapasya is a psychological or psycho-emotional process through which the aspirant tries to set in motion a process of metabolism that will eradicate the habits that create weakness and obstruct the awakening of willpower. 'I must do this but I can't.' Why does this difference between resolution and implementation arise in the mind of the aspirant? Why is it so great? It is due to a deficiency of will; and that weakness, that distance or barrier between resolution and execution can be removed through regular and repeated practice of tapasya. Then the willpower makes a decision once and the matter is finished.
This strength of will is the fruit of tapasya.

   The psychology of austerity plays a very important part in the awakening of man's latent power. It is not well understood by modern man who has unfortunately accepted that man lives for 'the pleasure principle', as propounded by Freud and his disciples. The psychology of austerity is very sound and certainly not abnormal. When the senses are satisfied by the objective pleasures, by the comforts and luxuries, the brain and nervous system become weak and the consciousness and energy undergo a process of regression. It is in this situation that the method of austerity is one of the most powerful and
sometimes explosive methods of awakening.

       Here the manifestations are tremendous and the aspirant has to face his lower
instincts in the beginning. He confronts a lot of temptations and the assaults of the satanic
and tamasic forces. All the evil or negative samskaras or karmas of many, many
incarnations rise to the surface. Sometimes fear manifests very powerfully or attachment
to the world comes with a great force. In some people, sexual fantasies haunt the mind for
days together, while others become lean and thin, or even sick. At this juncture, siddhis
can appear. One develops extrasensory perceptions, he can read the minds of others, he
can suppress others by a thought, or his own thoughts materialize. In the beginning, black
forces manifest and all these siddhis are negative or of a lower quality. Tapasya is a very,
very powerful method of kundalini awakening which everybody cannot handle.

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